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Selected Publications



Orr, R.I. and Y.A. Orr, Victory for All, Administration for Some: An Examination of 

Differences in the Impact of Indigenous Jurisdictional Expansion in Oklahoma, Policy Design and Practice, Vol. 4, No 2.




Orr, R.I. and Y.A Orr. Unrecognized Tradition: American Indian Political Economy and Narrow Conceptions of Indigenous Authenticity, The Urban Anthropology Journal, Vol. 7, Issue 2., pp. 166-189.


Orr, Y.A. Interspecies Semiotics and the Specter of Taboo; The Perception and Interpretation of Dogs, Barks and Rabies in Bali, Indonesia, American Anthropologist. Vol. 118, Issue 1., pp. 67-77.


Orr, Y.A. and R.I. Orr. The Death of Socrates: Managerialism, Metrics and Bureaucratization in Universities, Australian Universities Review, Vol. 58. Issue 2., pp. 15-25.


Orr, Y.A., J.S. Lansing and M.R. Dove. Environmental Anthropology: Systemic Perspectives, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 44., pp. 153-168.


Orr, Y.A. Animal Magnetism: Perceiving Environmental Objects as Social Subjects among Balinese looking at Roosters, Visual Anthropology, Vol. 27., pp. 127-137.


Orr, Y.A. Structuralism in Eastern Indonesia: An Origin for a Theory in the Social Science, International Journal of Indonesian Studies, Vol.3, Issue 3., pp. 1-14.


Orr, Y.A. Coconuts and the Emergence of Violence in Sulu; Beyond Resource Competition Paradigms, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde / The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences of  Southeast Asia and Oceania, Vol. 168, No 2., pp. 253-273.


Orr, Y.A., R. Schimmer and R. Geerken. Ethno-ecology in the Shadow of Rain and Light of Experience; Local Perceptions of Drought and Climate Change in East Sumba, Indonesia, in Climate Change and Threatened Communities: Vulnerability, Capacity & Action, Practical Action Publishers, London. Peter Castro, Dan Taylor and David Brokensha (ed.)., pp. 175-184.


Schimmer R., R. Geerken and Y.A. Orr. Pastoralist Cultural Responses to Climate Variations Potentially Contributing to Drought Conditions in Northern Kenya, in Climate Change, Pastoral Traditional Coping Mechanisms and Conflict in the Horn of Africa. UPEACE Africa Programme, Mulugeta Gebre Hiwot and Jean-Basco Butera (ed.)., pp. 88-122.


Environmental Science and Policy

Smith College

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